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Expanding the Type and Scope of Potential Projects

Each of the activities can be adapted to suit any style of STEM/Science Research Program/Club or modified to be included within the constraints of a standard science class

  • Expanding the Type and Scope of Potential Projects

    • Biological/Medical Lab based projects (in school or in local labs)

    • Biological/Medical Data based projects (in school or at home)

    • Behavioral surveys (local and/or national)

    • Engineering/Robotics/Computer Science projects (in school, at home or at local facilities)

    • Environmental/Agricultural/Animal/Plant Science projects (in school, at home or at local facilities)​

  • Reaching out to  Scientific Mentors for All Project Types

    • Strategies for reaching out to local and national professionals to help guide students in all area of Science Research/Science Fair projects.

    • A goal is to have the teacher serve as an overall "coach" for all students while having each student connect with professional (mentor) in their area of research that can help them with a variety of aspects of a research project including:

      • learning background information and related skills

      • creating a challenging yet achievable research plan

      • basic or step by step guidance with the methodology

      • data collection and/or data analysis

      • understanding what insight was gained from the results and what the next step in the research process should be

      • assistance with perfecting a poster, paper or PowerPoint/Google Slides presentation to share the research in school and/or in regional, national or international venues

Expanding the Type and Scope of Potential Projects: Resources and Tips
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